Holy cow I’m going to be a father! The wife just took a pregnancy test, a few actually, and confirmed that we are pregnant. The next step we think is to go to the doctor and confirm the pregnancy then schedule a real appointment for an ultrasound and other prenatal activities. We haven’t told our friends and family yet; we were going to tell them at Christmas using some form of gag gift. There were a bunch of ideas posted the web which looked like fun. Since no one reads this blog anyways we figured it would be safe to post on the web.

We have a lot of decisions to make in the next few months. The plan was originally to buy a house in the area and continue on as a dual-income-no-kids family. With this change, we’re entertaining the possibility of the wife quitting her teaching job when the baby is born and moving to another state. I make enough in my current job that with a transfer she could easily be a housewife if we lived somewhere else. She doesn’t have tenure with her current school and we’re afraid that she may not get asked back for tenure since the due date is right around the start of the next school year. She’s in the first year of a two year probationary period. The last thing we want is to have a large Silicon Valley mortgage, a newborn, and one income. It may actually be beneficial to rent a house when our apartment lease is up. Rents have come down a lot in the area and we could easily handle terminating a lease if push came to shove; can’t say the same about a mortgage. It’s all a little surreal right now. Articles on the web say it won’t sink in until the second or third month.

Our emergency cash reserve isn’t quite full and we’re just starting to approximate how much a child actually costs. Wow, are they expensive. After some basic number crunching it looks like we could have six months worth of expenses covered by the time the child is born and a little extra padding to account for any unpaid maternity leave. I’m going to check with HR to see if I qualify for paternity leave so I can help out. Stay tuned for updates for those of you read my blog!